Friday, January 15, 2016

This EMBRACE missional retreat is the best way to spend your weekend starting January 22.  It is a very unique privilege to discuss mission with people who are living it out in the trenches world wide. 

We want to spend time with you!  Join a carpool, surf the tube run, bow in worship, and enjoy the edge of your seat as we witness God's kingdom come. 

Let us know if you are coming THIS WEEKEND.  Thanks, Philip

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Henry's Courage

Read MB Mission's Witness Magazine online

Henry's Courage
By Mark JH Klassen
The other soldiers mocked him. Henry (not his real name) was only a young Christian when he began serving with the national military, but he was very public about his faith in Jesus and so he often encountered ridicule from other soldiers. They would see him pray and they would ridicule him and make life difficult for him. Like the rest of them, Henry had grown up in a Muslim home, but as an adult he had experienced a crisis of faith and became a follower of Jesus.
One military officer, in particular, was offended by Henry’s faith. While they were stationed in a city where it was very cold, -20 degrees Celsius, this officer took it upon himself one day to punish Henry for preaching the Gospel. He woke Henry up that morning at 5 a.m., got him out of bed, and marched him out of the barracks, outside into the cold where he began to mock him. He pushed him down into the snow and began to beat him on his head and his legs, telling him to renounce his faith in Jesus and return to Islam. Henry refused, and instead prayed for God’s strength. After several hours of torture, this officer pinned Henry’s head to the ground with his knee on his neck. He took out his pistol and pointed it at Henry’s head. He gave him one last chance to change his mind and re-affirm his commitment to Islam. But again Henry refused and re-affirmed his faith in Jesus. He thought his life was over, but the officer didn’t pull the trigger and, for some reason, let him go.
Some of the other soldiers helped Henry into the barracks where he rested and recovered. He couldn’t walk or eat for two days. The other soldiers heard him pray to Jesus for strength. They heard him ask God to forgive the officer. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing. They were amazed by Henry’s attitude. They saw the love of Christ in him. And because of that testimony, a number of those soldiers gave their lives to Jesus. When word of that incident spread throughout the army base, the General in charge called Henry into his office and expressed his sympathy for what had happened and indicated to Henry that not everyone felt the same way toward followers of Jesus as that officer. Henry was encouraged by the General’s support.
Years later, after Henry had left the military and was working full-time in church planting and preaching the Gospel, he came back to that city. He had been praying that God would send more workers to that part of his country. But he had come back to the city to speak to a small number of young Muslims who were interested in learning more about Jesus. Henry knew that it was risky to take these kinds of opportunities, because someone could easily inform the authorities about what he was doing and he would be in trouble.
One evening, after speaking at length with this group, sharing his own testimony and the Gospel with them, he returned to the apartment where he was staying and went to bed. In the middle of the night, around 1 a.m., he was suddenly awakened and immediately felt that he should leave. He sensed that the Holy Spirit was saying that it was no longer safe at the apartment and that he should find somewhere else to stay. So Henry packed up and walked out into the cold, remembering what had happened years earlier in that same city, in that same cold, when the military officer had tortured him for his faith in Jesus. As he walked down the street, he asked God, “Where should I go?” And immediately he heard God speak, “Go back to the military base.”
It seemed crazy at first, but despite his fear and reluctance, Henry went directly to the military base and approached the gate. There the guard told him that because he was no longer in the military he couldn’t let him in, not without someone’s permission.
Without hesitation, Henry told the guard to call the General. Though it was the middle of the night, the guard called the General and Henry was granted permission to spend the night at the military base. In the morning, when Henry left through that gate, the same guard told him that during the night two carloads of men had come looking for him, but he had turned them away. Henry’s life was preserved.
Henry was protected by the Holy Spirit that night, as he has been many times in his work as an evangelist and church planter in his country. He is one of many national believers who are enduring significant persecution for their faith today. We stand with them in prayer and we believe that those prayers make a difference.
Today, in the very city where these events took place, we now have a long-term team of three families that is committed to establishing a living testimony to the Gospel. In some ways, that team is a part of Henry’s legacy of faith and courage. They are building upon the foundation that Henry laid during his earlier visits.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Are you coming to EMBRACE 2016?

Every January, young adults gather from across Ontario at beautiful Camp Crossroads in the Muskoka's. We wrestle with issues of mission and loving the neighbours and strangers among us. We are inspired through intimate discussion with a world leader in mission.  And we listen to the Holy Spirit about the New Year and the calling God has for each one of us. 

We hope you can join us. This year we have the very unique privilege of spending the weekend with a modern day Apostle form Central Asia. Literally walking the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, this friend has risked everything for the gospel. Through prison, social rejection, physical beating and political opposition, he continues to make disciples among Muslims, and mentors a growing undercover house church moment. Don’t miss the chance to spend time with him this January.  Check back tomorrow to read his story.

Most of us had the privilege of being born in a country where there is peace and freedom and prosperity. How do we EMBRACE that responsibility in a way that impacts our local and global environments? Join us for some great interaction and connection.

This retreat is primarily for young adults but everyone is welcome. This year the dates are January 22-24, and it’s being held again at Camp Crossroads. Your registration soon will help us with food and accommodation numbers.

Go to today and sign up!

Get involved in the conversation on Facebook or as we restart our blog​ 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

a reluctant prophet!?

I have a confession to make.  I am very much like Jonah - a reluctant prophet.  Like Jonah, I am a ‘sent one’ with a message.  I don’t know about you but I struggle sometimes with being a ‘sent one’.  I know I have a mission and a message.  How do I live in this world and be a messenger?  To be honest the whole proclamation thing intimidates me and confuses me.

Does it confuse you?  What do you say?  When do you say?  How do you say?  I don’t want to see people as projects and I am sure people don’t want to be ‘my project’.  And how does this fit in with incarnation - living out the Gospel, being the hands and feet of Jesus”?  Is it integrated?  Both/and?  Either/or?   

Perhaps I am too sensitive?  Maybe I care too much how people will receive the message I am commissioned to share?  I don’t want to hurt, offend or God forbid malign God’s message.  So I often stay quiet.  Does this resonate with you? Is that your experience? 

Or maybe I don’t care about people enough to share the greatest news one could possibly hear? 
These are only a few of the thoughts and feelings I have as I consider this weekend retreat – Embrace.  Please join us on this journey ... you are invited to be honest with yourself, honest with others and honest to God.   I look forward to learning with you how to Embrace: God, Neighbour and Stranger. 

Post by an older young adult

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Diving into Jonah...

Looking forward to another incredible weekend of worship, prayer, and fun together at Embrace! This will be our 3rd annual retreat, and I’m pretty sure it keeps getting better each time.

This weekend we’ll be diving into the story of Jonah (pun intended). This is a story about one of God’s chosen-people who is sent to a rebellious nation; a people far from God; to share a message of repentance.

In this story, God asks Jonah to do one thing. It was a hard thing, it was out of his comfort zone, and it was the last thing he wanted to do – but it was still just one thing. Is there one thing that God is asking of you this season? Are you listening? Are you responding to God saying “I will” or “I won’t”?

Jonah’s story is all about him changing his heart and mind from “I won’t” to “I will”.

Our story is perhaps just the same today. God is asking us to do one thing. Often it’s hard, and uncomfortable, and may seem even unreasonable, but it’s just one thing. We will experience incredible pain, struggle, confusion, and then joy, understanding, healing; as we cross over from “I won’t” to “I will”. We may have a season of running from God, we may hit ‘rock-bottom’ in one way or another, but my prayer is that at the end of it all, we would find our way to saying “I will” and then following God whatever it might take.

This weekend I’ll share more of my story, and I hope to hear yours as well, as we come before the throne of God together and ask Him “What is the one thing you want me to do?”

Post by Jacob Chandler - MoveIn

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

You are being called

You are being called. No, not on your cell phone… put that away. You are being called to something greater, by Someone even greater! You might ask, who would call me to do something great? Or what am I being called to? Or even, how can I answer this calling?  If you are seeking answers I am calling you to put your phones away, leave your computers, textbooks and work at home and take a weekend off to start digging deeper into these questions. Sign up for Embrace and prepare yourself to be challenged, changed and equipped as we take a look at one man who tried running away from his calling and had to be swallowed by a fish before he obeyed!

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age”. 
Matthew 28:19-20

Post by a leader who will be at Embrace 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Gentle Tap

A Gentle Tap

Last year, I went to EMBRACE.

I don’t know why I went.  Maybe, I felt like I had to or maybe I was just longing for quietness and dedicated time to learn and be with Jesus. I knew that it would be good.  So I signed up.

Sometimes God is funny!  On Friday night, after the long-term missionaries, Dave & Louise, shared their story of embrace with God, I wanted more.  Who is this Holy Spirit and how do I not know Him?

All Saturday afternoon during tubing/cross-country/outside time, I sat with my Bible and journal. Longing.  Aching.  Ready - to know this God in a new/fresh way.  I pleaded with Him – asking him to reveal to me what I was doing wrong or any sin in my life that was holding me back from true communion and relationship with Him.  Still... nothing!

On Saturday night, I was frustrated – frustrated that I wasn't “experiencing God" in the ways others were.  I sat in the back – refusing to worship honestly and pray with others.  I had a terrible attitude.  It was then that God met me!

During the prayer time, another participant gently tapped me on the shoulder and asked to pray with me.  Through this person, God convicted me – of my lack of trust and my unwillingness to trust.  I was holding on to my plan/my understandings/my comfort and refused to give these up.  Fear filled me.  I knew I was weak and angry with God.  But God met me!  He didn't come in like a storm, pushing me down.  He just gently tapped me on the shoulder and embraced me – showing me his mercy, forgiveness, and grace, and asking me to trust. He is a good and loving Father!

Post by Heather - Young Adults Leadership at Waterloo MB Church